You will quite agree with me that looking for a Job in this Environment can sometimes seem like a huge task. However, you can secure a job in any company of your choice (your dream Job) be it an oil&gas company, telecommunication companies, manufacturing companies, banks, etc and that is if you have the exact and strategic step - by-step plan. Searching for a job is quite a job, but this 20page report was made to give you some steps and strategies to help you in the process. This Report/book is going to show you a lot of simple but quick ways to find a job in any company of your dream and I can boldly tell you that they are based on many years of sales and marketing research, I want to prove to you, that these methods are not only new and unusual, but … these methods work!
And you’ve just proven that a drop cap can increase readership, because you’ve read this far. But it gets better …
See, just about everybody looks for a job the same way. Just about everybody puts together a resume and uploads it on job website.
They email that resume to companies with advertised job openings. They try networking for a few days with friends. Then, they wait for employers to call in. And they wait, and wait …
And after about two to five weeks of this, just about everybody will agree that …It’s hard to get a job!
That’s why you’ve got to try something different.
Something that’s NOT common.
Even If You Have No Working Experience”
Now, if what you were doing in your job search was working, and then you would probably be working in a new job now, right? But you’re not.
So …If you’ve sent out loads of resumes and not heard back from employers …
If you’re confused or angry about why nobody’s calling you for interviews …
If you want to find a simple way to get hired for the oil job you want, at the salary you deserve…Then you’re about to discover exactly how to do that!
Below is what you will be getting from the full package:
1. How you can stand out from the stack of applicants & have a fair shot at getting the job
2. One big secret to beat your fellow applicants hands down
3. Simple secret strategies that you can easily apply and start work immediately
4. What exactly NOT to do during an interview and how to use the silent power of persuasion to leave a memorable impression that will make YOU stand out, instantly!
5. The one thing you MUST do after an interview that 99% of other job seekers applying for the same job will NEVER think to do!
6. The secret to making your personal strengths so believable that your interviewer may not even bother to look at your references
7. How to feel confident in every interview, even if you don't think you can (you'll surprise yourself with your new found confidence!)
Even If You Have No Working Experience”
A list of website of Major companies in Nigeria
How you can write a flawless resume that upon your hiring, demands a higher than usual salary
The question most candidates will not ask their interviewer, but which can provide you with a huge advantage in selling yourself
Discover exactly what to do BEFORE the interview to guarantee that you get blow all other candidates out of the water!
How you can tap from a source that will make the difference
21 most difficult interview questions you will be asked and how to answer them easily.
Companies email address which means you can email them any time.
Companies’ phone number which means you can call them any time to make enquiry.
How you can deepen your relationship with the interviewer after the interview to move ahead of other candidates.
How to deal with the inevitable "Do you have any questions for me?" part of your interview And lot more…
Be confident, happy and full of energy;
Interested in finding more information about “Getting your Dream Job” by getting my special book which contains the secrets to hit your dream job and change your status in a matter of days...The amazing secrets that will get you hired immediately will be literally given away for N1,500 (for the Ebook version) and N3000 for the hard copy as an introductory price.
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Text: ‘dreamjob’ and your email to 08095988472. You will get the book in your email inbox within minutes. the hard copy will get to you the next day depending on where you liv within the country.
other books available include: Introductory IT, computer 101:Simple lessons about computers, How to lose weight very fast, How to get promotions at work, Fired??How to get a better job.