Friday 11 May 2012

KRIS HUMPHRIES Who Wants to Kick Me in the Genitals?



Kris Humphries
 KNOWS he's been tagged a douchebag ... he KNOWS people are laughing at him ... but now, he's finally getting in on the joke. 

KH just completed a video for ... in which he tries to capitalize on the fact he's the most hated player in the NBA ... the kind of guy most Americans want to "punch in the face."
In the clip, two "agents" give Kris a crash course in how to cash in on his d-bagness -- with products that include a video game which allows haters to repeatedly "kick you in the d**k."

"No points or anything ... just d**k kicking."
And it gets BETTER -- during the sketch, there's a veiled shot at Kanye West ... as Kris dons KW's trademark shutter sunglasses in an effort to look like a "douchebag."
But one of the agents quickly tells Kris to ditch the shades ... saying, "We don't want you to look like an a**hole ... we just want you to look like a douchebag." Snap.

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