Sunday 23 September 2012

Obese woman cleared of murder charge because her arm was too fat


mayra rosalesSometimes carrying a few extra pounds can actually work in your favor. In the case of Mayra Rosales, her excessive weight spared her a possible murder conviction after she was accused of killing her nephew. Rosales’ defense team argued that the Texas woman, who weighed a whopping 1,100 pounds at the time of the boy’s death, couldn’t have killed him by a blow to the head because her arm was too fat.
As more details emerged about her story, which is featured on an upcoming TLC special called “Half-Ton Killer?,” Rosales finally admitted she’d lied to protect her sister. [Source]


Anonymous said...

hahahhahahha na wa warris dis..goshhhhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..smhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh story...

kwame said...

she sef na murder if dem know know.lmaooooo..

sherry said...

ok ooo she try well well so who be next on line for her to kill..