Friday 19 April 2013


0419-kim-kardashian-kris-humphriesKim Kardashian and Kris Humphries marriage came to an end today, April 19 after a judge dissolved it during a court hearing. It took Kim and Kris a year and a half of back and forth, he said she said, to come to this divorce settlement, and they were only married for 72 days, lol.

In was said that the delay in the Kim Kardashian-Kris Humphries divorce, though Kim's already expecting a child with Kanye West, is because instead of divorce, Kris wanted an annulment to their marriage on the grounds of fraud. Kris was going to prove in a court of law that their short-lived marriage was a sham, contracted for the sole purpose of boosting their reality show TV ratings. 

Well, I guess he had no proof. Not only did Kim get her divorce, Kris gets no monetary settlement either, not even his legal fees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is dis supposed to be Goodnews? Divorce? Married to another, Pregnant for another....WRONG!